Frissítés! Megvannak a nyertesek! Köszönjük a leadott szavazatokat, 17.226 értékelés alapján a XII. Contact Center Hangszépségverseny dobogósai, akik a Contact 2024 konferencián
Welcome to DIMSZ, the Data-Driven Marketing Association of Hungary. We are the most important professional workshop for direct communication in Hungary. We work together with DM service providers, agencies, and advertisers to strengthen the reputation of the data-driven marketing sector, and to present industry trends and new tools.
Our organization is particularly focused on data-driven, data-based operations and data protection. We actively participate in international association life, provide research results, and publish case studies to provide practical knowledge for both beginner and senior professionals.
We strive to create a suitable and sustainable market and regulatory environment for the players in the DM sector through our lobbying activities, specific programs of our sections, and the establishment of our Code of Conduct. We collect data on the size, regulation, and opportunities of the domestic direct marketing market.
Our member companies operate according to common ethical principles, with self-regulation, sustainable operation, and market education being a key area for everyone. We have been cooperating with the authorities since our foundation, and we organize regulatory roundtable discussions at our events.
We provide a forum for our member companies to meet in a more informal environment, whether it’s a free workshop or an industry event. We promote our members and their professionals not only in a domestic environment but also through foreign sister organizations and chambers of commerce.
We provide an objective picture of the profession and the regulations affecting it for both the interested parties and the professional players, in order to form a real picture of the professional area.
You can reach us at [email protected] or +36 30 588 1344.
Join us and be a part of our mission to shape the future of data-driven marketing in Hungary.
Szakmaiság. Érdekképviselet. Értékközösség. Kapcsolati tőke. Hitelesség. Inspiráció.
Arra törekszünk, hogy olyan szolgáltatásokat nyújtsunk a szövetségi core tevékenységek mellett, melyek kimondottan a tagjainkat juttatják különböző előnyökhöz. A szervezet a FEDMA és a GDMA (Global Data Marketing & Analytics) tagja.
Frissítés! Megvannak a nyertesek! Köszönjük a leadott szavazatokat, 17.226 értékelés alapján a XII. Contact Center Hangszépségverseny dobogósai, akik a Contact 2024 konferencián
Amennyiben kérdése lenne, együttműködési ötlete van, vagy szeretne többet megtudni rólunk, kérjük lépjen velünk kapcsolatba! Köszönjük.
DIMSZ | Adatvezérelt Marketing Szövetség
1036 Budapest, Perc utca 8.
+36 30 588 1344